
‘New Windows of Opportunity’ is a parable to inspire the reader to design their own destiny & ultimately to live their dreams!

Personal growth principles are interwoven throughout the story to give the reader hope, and encourage them that their past does not have to dictate to their future.

The intention of this novel is to inspire teenagers and young adults to find their passion and purpose in life and to fulfil their potential.

The Story

The story is centred on four characters who live in a semi-rural, coastal hamlet.

Their backgrounds and upbringing initially influences their choices in life, however, through discovering elementary personal growth principles, their choices, and ultimately their destinies, begin to change.

They meet again at the age of thirty and, through reflecting on their teenage years, expose the secret factors that impacted their choices.

In this book you will learn or discover:

  1. How to appreciate the lessons from the past, but not allow the past to dictate the terms for your future.
  1. The importance of the choice of friendships in influencing the development of your personality & potential.
  1. How attitudes to your education can either represent a tirade of tyranny or a trampoline into a brilliant future.
  1. The importance of taking risks in life, but also realising that risk-taking can be calculated, & not always crippling.
  1. Why it’s important to choose your own career path, not have it chosen for you or staying in your present job just to please others.
  1. How to face the future by forgiving yourself of past failures, discerning the fears that can cripple you & inspiring yourself to fulfil your potential & reap the rewards.
  1. Realising that life is about change, change brings growth & growth helps us discover the person we’re meant to be; & the person who can make a difference in their world.

In Summary:

Sometimes certain opportunities come our way only once in our life & we either don’t recognise them or haven’t the courage to take them!

This book will explore the ways to exploit the opportunities which are positively linked to our passions & purpose in life.

You’ll also discover keys to overcome the limiting beliefs which hinder you from fulfilling your destiny.

Your future is waiting – grab it with both hands!

Book Purchase

New Windows of Opportunity can be found:

  1. Through the Buy Option on this website;
  2. In all good Bookstores; or
  3. Online, e.g.,

New Windows of Opportunity - Keys to Finding Your Passions in Life and Living with Purpose





  1. Introduction: ‘Windows’ in a Land of Opportunity
  1. Our Backgrounds: Quicksand, Lead Weight or Springboard?
  1. Growing Up: Friends, Foes or Fellowship?
  1. Dreams: Buried Treasures, Fictional Fantasies or Living Realities?
  1. Interests: Designed, Designated or Desired?
  1. Relationships: Poison, Passion or Prospective Partner?
  1. Education: Trap Door, Tyranny or Trampoline?
  1. Careers: Chosen, Circumstantial or Climaxing?
  1. Risks: Crippling, Curious or Calculated?
  1. Change: Non-negotiable, Nuisance or Necessary?
  1. The Past: Regret, Reflections or Revelations?
  1. The Future: Forgiveness, Fear of Failure or Fortunes?
  1. Epilogue: Write your OWN chapter! How is it going to end? It’s your choice!
  1. The End!? New Windows of Opportunity - are they waiting for YOU?
